
About archimedes principle
About archimedes principle

“When I got into the tub,” Archimedes reasoned, “my body displaced a lot of water. But that mess triggered an idea that would help solve the king’s dilemma. He realized that he had made a real mess. He immediately noticed that the water splashed out of his bath tub onto the floor the moment he stepped into it, and the more he stepped into the tub, even more water got displaced out of the tub.


One day, while he was concentrating about this problem, he decided to take a bath in a tub full of water. He told the king he would need a few days to think about it. However, the king had no way of proving his suspicions, so he asked Archimedes to find out whether the crown was made from pure gold, without damaging the crown. The king thought the goldsmith had mixed some of the gold for the cheaper silver, while keeping the leftover gold. The king suspected that the goldsmith had cheated him. After goldsmith delivered the pure gold crown to the king, he was suspicious. After gaining the royal power, King Hieron II of Syracuse in Sicily gave a goldsmith a bar of gold to make it into a crown. Archimedes's tale takes place some 2,250 years ago. Archimedes is still regarded as one of the greatest scientists of all time.

about archimedes principle

He died in 212 BC when the Romans invaded Syracuse.

about archimedes principle

Here’s a closer look into this sudden discovery (the “Eureka!” moment): The famous Greek mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, a Greek colony in Sicily (an island now part of Italy). He was the first to realize that the number Pi features in the formula for the circumference of the circle, the area of the circle, and the volume and area of the sphere (notably, he determined an accurate estimation of the value of Pi). Archimedes went on to make a number of important contributions in science and mathematics.

about archimedes principle

Supposedly, Archimedes was so thrilled and excited with this discovery that he immediately hopped out of the bath and ran onto the streets to tell the king, shouting loudly 'Eureka! Eureka!' (I have found it! I have found it!), in delight. One of the oldest and well-known tale revolves around Archimedes' legendary “Eureka!” moment while taking a bath in a tub, when he made a remarkable discovery, what is now known as the Archimedes Principle. Science is all about facts and discoveries, with some of the remarkable breakthroughs coming from seemingly everyday occurrences and experiences. Development, Alumni Relations & Special Events Staff.

About archimedes principle